Trademark Registration in China

start at 340,00 

(tax included)

KBZ Trademark services handles industrial property rights registration in China. Our professionals will help you to prepare your trademark application. All you need to do is to send us your trademark information and information about goods and/or services via one of our communication channels.

Below you can make an online payment for a single trademark registration service in China. The cost of registering one mark will vary depending on the number of classes of goods/services.


Once you agree on our proposed content of application, send the scan of power of attorney and you complete the payment, our trademark professionals from China will file it within 48 hours at China National Intellectual Property Administration. Once we have filed your application, we will keep you informed about the registration process. Finally, we will send you a registration certificate. Thanks to our experience and knowledge of China law and language we guarantee that the registration process will proceed smoothly and quickly.