Louis Vuitton: Vigilant Guardian of Intellectual Property

Louis Vuitton is considered one of the most aggressive and active brands...

Louis Vuitton is considered one of the most aggressive and active brands to monitor and enforce its intellectual property rights.🛡️💡

One instance of such protection involved a lawsuit against a fried chicken restaurant in South Korea, known as “Louis Vuiton Dak.”🇰🇷🍗

Louis Vuitton filed a lawsuit against the Korean company, alleging, among other things, a high degree of similarity between the trademarks in question.™️👩🏼‍💼👨🏿‍💼🧑🏼‍💼

During these proceedings, the court ruled that the restaurant’s name and emblem were too similar to Louis Vuitton’s designs.

Subsequently, the defendant – the owner of the restaurant – changed its name to ‘Louisvui Tondak’. Despite this, he received a notice for failing to comply with the court’s ruling.📩👨🏽‍⚖️👩🏼‍⚖️🧑🏻‍⚖️

Therefore, it’s important to remember that even with a registered trademark, continuous monitoring for potential infringements is necessary.™️📡

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