Retail Taxidermy: How Intellectual Property Can Revive Bankrupt Brands

The protection of intellectual property rights, including trade marks🔖, designs🎨 or patents📜, is an important...

The protection of intellectual property rights, including trade marks🔖, designs🎨 or patents📜, is an important element in maintaining market position📈, protection against acts of unfair competition👎, but it can also be a significant factor in the event of a company’s bankruptcy💔.

A bankrupt company seeking to pay off its debts💰 may decide to sell valuable intellectual property rights, which is referred to as retail taxidermy🦌.

The key🔑 to success in this regard is brand recognition👀 and an established position in the market🏪.

The process of selling the IP rights of a company in bankruptcy generally takes place with the participation of a bankruptcy court⚖️, which aims to ensure fairness while satisfying the company’s creditors💼.

Often consumers are unaware of the company’s bankruptcy, still looking for the brand’s products on the market🛍️, so such a process gives a second life to the brand🌱 and opportunities for growth📈, although with a different ownership structure🔄.

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